It’s ‘Solutions Day’ at COP27, which brings together government representatives, businesses, and innovators to share ideas with the aim of spreading awareness and building alliances to tackle climate change.
Here's what has happened so far:
U.S. and China resurrect climate talks - After a three-hour meeting on Monday, the U.S. and China—the two largest producers of fossil fuel emissions—agreed to resume talks on transnational challenges, which include climate change. Activists at COP27 closely followed this meeting because previous cooperation has motivated other nations and inspired broader collaboration.
The first draft of a deal being hashed out would keep a target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. Friday is the expected deadline for an agreement. "Time is not on our side, let us come together now and deliver by Friday," COP27 President Sameh Shoukry said in a letter to delegates.
So far up to 84 countries and companies are likely to commit to a pledge launched last year to ditch gasoline-powered vehicles in favor of going electric. The pledge was first announced with 130 countries at COP26.
France and Spain joined a pledge to stop sales of gasoline-driven vehicles by 2035, five years earlier than previously planned.
EU committed to providing over 1 billion euros for climate adaptation in Africa.
Brazil is back - President-elect Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva told the cheering crowds at the UN climate summit. The president told the summit that Brazil would prove that it was possible to generate wealth without destroying the environment, saying it was impossible to separate tackling global warming from poverty. Under president Bolsonaro, who will hand over power to Lula in January, deforestation of the Amazon reached record highs.